Sorin looks for people with enthusiasm for innovation and challenge.

Completing the Application Form of SORIN

Please check before completing an application form.

The application is divided into the following six categories.

Personal information must be completed first, and remaining fields can be filled out on the contents related. Temporary saving is available while filling out the form, but cannot be modified after the final submission.

STEP 06 Submission
STEP 01 Personal Identity
STEP 02 Career Experience
STEP 03 Academic Background
STEP 04 Foreign Language/Qualification
STEP 05 Self Introduction Letter
The personal identity and the information submitted will be used for the following. The job application will be kept in the career database for 3years from the date of final submission, and shall not be used for any other purposes than recruitment. Sorin and its affiliated companies frequently hire talented people by utilizing the information of job applications stored in the recruitment data base.
Apply for New
Is this your first visit?
Please register your new resume.
Check & Amend
Do you want to modify your job application?
You cannot modify the application after the deadline.
Do you want to delete your resume?
You may delete your registered application.